Tuesday, August 23, 2016

My Brutal Empathy ???

Yes, that's the most circulated picture over internet at the moment. But you'll ask me who's the child in the picture below it?
Well that's my SON. I morphed my son's face on the picture just to actually feel it. It HURT but still I wanted to feel it. I wanted to feel the pain. Though I will never be able to feel the real pain of his parents (i.e., if they are alive).
And the reason I come up with this post is to vent out my frustration and anger towards what the world is going through.
Recently I had a discussion with an Indian friend who was hell bent towards the destruction of Pakistan because he thinks it's wise enough to think likewise when Pakistanis think about the "Barbaadi of India". My bottomline to him was nothing but an old adage that says, "an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind".
Coming back to the picture, it's been framed on my mind since the day the previous picture of a Syrian refugee child swept at a shore surfaced. And then after about a year from that incident, this picture appears. And this time I couldn't take it anymore.
All I thought then and now was I could see my own son's face superimposed on that victim's face. Later the news spread that one of his brothers actually died and he survived. I worry about where this kid must be staying, where his parent's must be, what is he going to do now? Will he grow up to be more angry than the ones who did this to him? Is his anger going to fuel a negative spiral of war and hatred further? Or is there a way to subside his anger and instead make him an angel of peace?
The question remains and it troubles me. And still I fear, should it happen to my world and my family and my loved ones be the victim.
Bottom line: Hate breeds hate. It's got to STOP. Hope this post helps to spread the message, and change their thoughts, even if it's a few like my Indian friend.

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